Lodi’s Own Consumer Fraud Experts!
What’s a Consumer Bowl competition? Well it’s simple. Each year, nine schools from across Bergen County compete against one another to qualify for the regional competition. It begins with three groups of three competing against one another. After three rounds of questions, the scores are finalized and a winner is crowned. Each winner from these three groups competes in the final competition for the title of Bergen County champs. Lodi’s team consisted of Sunny Mistry (Captain), Hashim Kalash, Joan Spirollari, Steven Sadlocha, and Mohammad Saifan. With the team’s advisers, Mrs. Hipkins and Mrs. Pacelli, by their side, they put up a great fight. Unfortunately, despite a strong showing after hours of preparation, Lodi could not manage to pull out a win this year. The Lodi Rampage wishes all future Consumer Bowl teams representing Lodi the best of luck.

Q: What is something you are looking forward to doing this year?
A: I’m looking forward to the upcoming soccer season.
Q: Have you set any goals...