How to Follow Through with New Year Resolutions
5, 4, 3, 2, 1…HAPPY NEW YEAR!
It’s a new year, a fresh start, the restart button you’ve been waiting for. With the new year, comes new resolutions and the time to better yourself! What is your resolution? Is it to lose weight, save money, focus on your work, or something personal? The Rampage is here to give you some tips and tricks on how to follow through with your New Year’s Resolutions!
- If one of your resolutions is to go the gym, try only watching your favorite show when you’re there so every time you go that means another episode you can watch!
- Want to save money? Every time you have a dollar or some spare change put it away and stop spending on unnecessary things! Always ask yourself, is it a want or a need?
- They say that when you make a New Year’s resolution surrounding yourself it’s harder to follow through. Instead, create a selfless resolution and try helping others!
New Year’s Resolutions are a way to prove to yourself that you can succeed in this new year! As long as you put your mind to it, it’ll be a new year, and better you!
About the Contributor

Keyla Crespo, Writer
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