Teachers’ Pets
Ms. Schwartz was asked to comment on being a pet owner: “Ricky was a rescue from Tennessee, brought to New Jersey by H.A.R.T. (Helping Animals Rescue Team), and lived with a foster family until I adopted him about 18 months ago. His name was Auric, but his foster mom called him Ricky and I continue with that name. He is definitely part of the family; he is well behaved and happy in his new home. Is he spoiled, maybe just a little, but no one knows what a rescue has gone through before they become yours, so I think a little spoiling is definitely in order. All of our family pets have been strays or adopted from shelters; every one of them deserved a second chance at a good life. So if you really want a pet and are ready to make the commitment, check out the local shelters and adopt, give an animal a second chance.”
Ms. Getrajdman’s 7 year old dog, Zoey. Ms G says, “She’s kind of dumb. I am obsessed with her.”
Mr. Morali’s cats Osric (orange) and Fury (grey/brown)

Q: What are your expectations for senior year?
A: I want to have a good time and to look back on it as a good memory.
Q: How do you think people...

Q: What college do you plan on attending?
A: Rutgers University in New Brunswick
Q: Are you a part of any after school activities or clubs?