The Terrifying Truth of Trick-or-Treating

The concept of Trick-or-Treating is simple: Children of all ages dress up in creative costumes, band into groups with their closest buddies, and go door-to-door begging for candy from the nice families in their neighborhood. Sometimes even the parents will accompany them and dress up in the spirit of Halloween. However, this has several of potential dangers waiting to strike.
Think as far back as possible to the first time you wore a Halloween costume. How happy you were to be dressed as a cute little scaredy cat or as a spooky skeleton with the glow in the dark mask. Nothing compares to how pure the early days of Halloween were. You could recall the cavities beginning to ache as you woke the next morning; however, the danger of this holiday probably doesn’t ring a bell. What would you do if the snickers you were handed was poisoned? What if you get peanut M&Ms and you are severely allergic? Our parents, teachers, and any other elders will say to not accept candy from those we do not know. These strangers could have traits that make Halloween a much more dangerous holiday. However, this is a sad truth; there are predators who take advantage of a day like this. For example, walking around after sunset is normally considered to be a terrible idea, but the hunt for sweets overrides curfew laws. You may become so caught up in the candy that you wander into the wrong neighborhood; you could even get lost. Crossing the street after hours could not end well if you or the person driving towards you aren’t looking. But on the last day of October, we are asking strangers for candy and walking the streets, distracted and past curfew. It’s all topsy-turvy!
Halloween has always been a fun holiday for the whole family to experience. In the midst of the candy, costumes, and creepy crawlers, it’s crucial to not forget about what can go wrong. You do not need to take risks to enjoy Halloween, because it is possible to have a good time in different ways on this day. Perhaps finding a Trunk-or-Treat at any local business would be more secure than walking around an uncommon neighborhood. Even some chain stores hand out free goodies on Halloween –just walk in and ask. The possibilities are endless. Whatever you decide, we here at Rampage wish you a fun and safe Halloween.
For more information, check out this link.

Q: Why did you want to be a member of the Rampage?
A: Steven wanted to be a part of the Rampage because he felt like he could do more fifth period...