A Balancing Act
Many times we feel overwhelmed as students when we have piles of homework, chores, sports, and extra curricular activities. However, for some of us, it doesn’t end there as we have employment to add to that list of responsibilities. At a young age we develop the desire to have money and a little financial independence from our parents and guardians. This drive for money, many times, leads to job searching; but, balancing school and work can often times be a challenge. The part time hours can interfere with time to study or time for homework. A balance must be found in order to not only keep grades up, but to also be a good employee, while even helping our family around the house. As a part time employee myself, I understand how hard it is to find a healthy balance. Work hours usually include weekends and/or late nights because as high school students that is our free time or our “hours of availability.” From my own experience, work slowly takes over my life and sometimes makes me forget about the importance of school, which is my ticket to staying away from these minimum wage jobs.
Nicolette Maggiore, senior, works at Shop Rite in the online department. In an interview with the Rampage, she shared, “Working and going to school teaches me a lot of responsibility. It teaches me how to manage my time. The downside is not seeing my friends as much but in the end it is a sacrifice I can make for financial independence.” Maggiore has been able to find a happy medium between work and school, while maintaining a 4.2 GPA with multiple extra curricular actives and plans to major in chemistry in college.
Amarinys Luna, senior, has two jobs. She works part time as a sales associate in Justice and as a receptionist at a doctor’s office. She also babysits on the side while keeping up with her interests in poetry and journalism. She says having multiple jobs is the most stressful and challenging thing she’s ever done. But she knows that the experience she is gaining can help her for her future. The money has also been helping to keep her motivated.
If you find you are struggling with creating a healthy and manageable balance between work and school here are the three most important tips to keep it together when things seem to be a mess:
- To do lists help you visualize what you need to get done.
- Arrange specific days to get ahead on work for the upcoming week.
- Time management is your best friend when having a busy schedule.
Making sure you stay focused on whatever goals you set for yourself is important when you have busy days and nights. A job is truly a balancing act and can be very stressful but it can be accomplished with the right mindset!

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