LHS Presents: EOF
On Dec. 13, a panel of college counselors came to Lodi High School to help students better understand their options in college, specifically the Educational Opportunity Fund programs offered by nine in state colleges. There were representatives from Rutgers, Stevens, NJIT, Montclair, Kean, Felician, William Paterson, Caldwell, and Saint Peter’s. Representatives spoke about the EOF programs which offers financial assistance and support students who come from economically and educationally disadvantaged background, with counseling, and tutoring. Each school spoke of the entrance requirements for their programs. It’s a program that allows a student to always be able to access support. Brittany Meistrich, one of the guidance interns, gave us a little insight into the panel. “The different schools representatives actually knew each other because the EOF programs work with each other if a student goes to one school and then wishes to transfer to another school. It was nice to see the interaction between the representatives and how, although, they are from different schools, they seem to support one another’s mission wholeheartedly of having students who are academically or financially challenged graduate from college.” The guidance department set up this wonderful event to help seniors weigh their options for college payments. If you have any questions regarding college, go to your guidance counselor; they’ll be more than happy to help!

Q:What is an experience that has changed you? A: An experience that has changed Carolina is going through her dad's illness. She knew from this that she...