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When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

Sunbul Khurshid

Sunbul Khurshid, Writer

Q: What are your major goals for your senior year?

A: Sunbul wants to maintain her 4.0 GPA and be accepted into a good college. She is also looking to get a job and wants to start volunteering at a hospital.

Q: What majors/colleges are you interested in?

A: At the moment, Sunbul is currently undecided, but she is definitely leaning towards biology or a medical major. Some colleges that she has been interested in are Rutgers, NJIT, and Montclair State.

Q: If you were to visit the past or the future, which one would you pick and why?

A: Future is where Sunbul would rather visit. She would want to see her future self and see the new technologies of that time.

Q: What do you think you will learn from and get out of being in Rampage?

Being more informed about the people of LHS and the school in general is something Sunbul wants to accomplish.

Q: Who is your inspiration?

A:  Sunbul’s biggest inspiration is her older sister.

Interviewed by Julia Guinto 

All content by Sunbul Khurshid