LHS English Teachers’ Favorite Books & Favorite Books to Teach

By Ivonne Vides
Books are powerful magic that change lives, minds and the world in general. A book could take you to places you may have never seen, could make you experience things that you never thought imaginable, could make you see the world in the most childish and wisest way, could introduce you to topics you never knew of, and could make you change your mind about things you may have thought were set in stone. Books are little worlds made up of roads of ink on blank canvases.
It is due to the power found within books that they are often chosen to be a part of our education. We are able to learn most from books when we are able to relate to them. When they take us on little journeys that spin our lives around and leave us with little life lessons that we keep in wisdom cabinets.
That is why teachers preferred certain books to teach. Books whose ink roads lead directly to life lessons, philosophies, and discussions.

Q: What is your favorite book and why?
A: I have two favorite books: 100 Years of Solitude because it shows where I’m from and how the people are...