Off to Pocono Valley – Senior Trip 2023

With the 2023 school year coming to a close, the seniors are hitting their special privileges the school is providing for the end of the year. On May 24, the senior class with their chaperones had gone to the Pocono Valley resort in Pennsylvania! The Pocono Valley resort consisted of such activities like the swimming pool, kayaking, and ziplining. 


It was a beautiful day; it was sunny and the weather was seventy degrees. When all the seniors attending the trip came to the LHS auditorium, they were greeted by their four chaperones, Mr. Lewis, Ms. Fasulo, Mr. McCann (the English teacher), and Ms. Noordeloos. The class had gone into their two buses and left at eight in the morning. Arriving at the resort after a two-hour bus drive, we were greeted by the resort employees. Immediately, after we arrived, most of the seniors went straight to the resort’s swimming pool. The students were enjoying their time splashing around in the pool, playing games, and having fun with their friend groups. Then the groups of seniors split apart, doing different activities at the resort. 


On one side of the resort, there was even a tennis court to play on. There was also a small bouncy house next to it. When people went down by the river, students went straight on the boats, and kayaked into the water. There was a wait at times if all the boats were taken. People also walked to the other side of the river, where they were doing ziplining. For many, ziplining was the greatest part of the Pocono Valley experience, especially because it was a lot of students’ first time. However, like kayaking, there was a long line, but it was worth it. When people ziplined, they went across the river back to the other side of the resort. It was a scary, yet very exciting experience for many. 


Towards the concluding part of the trip, the resort served the seniors lunch in their cabin. The food was delicious, and it consisted of hamburgers, hot dogs, etc. Before we left, they also served ice cream sundaes for everyone to enjoy as dessert. Once the class began sitting back in their buses, that is when the trip ended for the day.


It was a tiring day. Everyone moved around Pocono Valley, eccentrically doing different activities and just having an enjoyable time. It was a great way to begin the conclusion of the year for the seniors. This was only the first step of the final chapter.