Basketball Recap/Playoff Preparation

Over the the last two weeks, the Girls Basketball Team went 1-4 with losses to Glen Rock (25-41), Rutherford (29-33), Hawthorne (36-48), and Ridgefield (19-54). They beat Manchester Regional 59-56. The Girls won their game on Tuesday (Feb. 24) against Pompton Lakes (56-51), and also won against Mary Help of Christians on Thursday (Feb. 26) 34-19. With a sufficient amount of wins, the girls team has clinched a spot in the state playoffs with the seventh seed.
The Boys Basketball team went 2-4 over the past two weeks with losses to Glen Rock (38-62), a nail-biter to Rutherford (57-58), Manchester Regional (49-75), and Paramus Catholic (36-60). They defeated Queen of Peace in a close shootout (58-57) and Hawthorne 57-54. The team lost on Tuesday (Feb. 24) at home vs Pompton Lakes, with the score of 47-52. On Thursday (Feb. 26) the Boys lost to Pompton Lakes 52-47.
The Girls first state postseason game is home against Dumont this Monday (March 2). The stakes are high and the tension is mounting, I sat down with Senior team captain, Sukhi Kaur, and head coach, Mrs. Gorski.
I asked Sukhi about her emotions going into the game. “My emotions are all over the place! It’s exciting to be playing at home and it’s a once in a lifetime opportunity. Everyone will be watching and expectations are high so I’m also pretty nervous.” Physically playing a sport is the most important aspect, but it also matters what you take from the game. “High school sports have made me a more patient and understanding person. Playing with girls that have no experience can be difficult sometimes but being a captain taught me to keep my patience and it made me a better leader. Everyone is different, but kindness and patience applies well to all.”
Coach Gorski added on to Sukhi’s thoughts by explaining that “leadership” defines the success of the team. “It’s the leadership of our captains that really sets the tone for everyone. Ariela Nunez, Arlene Espinal, and Sukhi provide an assurance on the court and through their voices.” Time has also attributed to the growth of the squad. “I’ve watched them grow as a unit every game. You can see them trust each other more and more during the game and they know in order to win they must correctly utilize each other’s teamwork.” Dumont is the 10th seed in the playoff picture, but that doesn’t change coach Gorski’s view on the matchup. “Even though we’re the higher seed, I still look at us as the underdogs. They have a fast style of playing, so our defense keeping up with them is imperative. We’re planning on having strong practices Saturday and Sunday to prepare us. All of us will have to play to the absolute best of our abilities for a win.”
Follow @LodiAnalyst via Twitter for updates during Lodi’s clash with Dumont Monday, March 2nd at 7 PM.

Q: What three words best describe you?
A: Enthusiastic, obnoxious, and well-rounded.
Q: What do you like doing on your free time?