A Career in the Making: Career Week 2021

The week of Dec. 6 here at Lodi High School was a week filled with many pathways to explore. The LHS Guidance department hosted a week long event inviting the upperclassman to various presentations about the different career paths they can look into for their future. Guest speakers from all across the state came to speak to students about various career options such as education, business, healthcare, makeup & skin care, media arts, film, and marketing. These speakers came from a colleges and universities,  trade schools, and production companies. Institutions that visited our school included Caldwell University, Montclair State University, Fairleigh Dickinson University, New Jersey Institute of Technology, St. Elizabeth’s University, Parisian Beauty Academy, SHARP Productions, and New Jersey City University.

In an interview with Mrs. Dorfman, an LHS guidance counselor in charge of the event, she shared: “Career week is an integral step of the college application process, in that it allows our junior and senior students to gain a deeper understanding of careers that may interest them. By providing our students with career week activities, we allow them to participate in discussions and alleviate misconceptions within their field of interest. Without these opportunities, we set our students up for an unclear path for their future endeavors.” The Lodi Rampage would like to thank Mrs. Dorfman and the entire guidance department for their efforts to help student build a bright future! Without all of you, we do not know where we would be! And to all the the students at LHS, make sure to be on a lookout for other events like this to help you get a head start on your future!