Diplomas Around the Globe
Education paves the way for many students across the world to transition successfully into adulthood. Not only can it help with having a successful career, but it is also valued all over the world. Typically once you graduate high school there are traditions like having a party or decorating your cap. However, not every country has the same traditions as the ones we have at Lodi High School.
- Students in Sweden wear a round cap with a bill instead of a square cap. It is called a studentmossa and has a black bill. For example, if you’re an engineering student, the color of your cap will indicate your school of technology.
- Families will make signs that are supposed to be embarrassing. These signs will have photos of the students when they were younger.
- Once the ceremony is over, students and families gather along to sing a song then the whole community will throw a parade for the graduates.
- During the ceremony, parents will walk the students across the stage, and after, the students bow towards the audience.
- Students are then given garlands which are decorated in ribbons/ silk and flowers. More garlands are given to students from their family members.
- They must wear white with a purple sash because it is tradition. The purple sash displays the awards you have gotten during the school year.
- Usually only faculty wear hats, but more recently students have started to wear square caps.
- Their school year begins in March and all of he lower grades are expected to return to school after the ceremony.
- All students are expected to stand in a line while marching and singing as they get their diplomas.
- At secondary schools, students are expected to bow to the flag and sing their national anthem along with their school song.
- While names are being called out, each student goes up and grabs their certificates with their left hand. They then bow in front of their principal.
- Once they walk back to their seat, they bow to every family member before they sit back down.
For More Information:
- https://www.thevintagenews.com/2017/04/19/fascinating-unique-graduation-traditions-around-the-world/
- https://www.bustle.com/p/the-weirdest-college-graduation-traditions-around-the-world-53434
- https://www.dailyinfographic.com/graduation-traditions-around-the-world
About the Contributor

Ciara Castro, Writer
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