The Show Must Go On!

Do you like to sing, dance, or act? How about all three? If so, the Lodi High School Drama Club is the place for you! Though the club has started their weekly practices, it is not too late to join. 

Numerous people in the past year have demonstrated that the arts will not quit just because of a virus, and Coach Bernice + The Drama Club demonstrate just that. This year, the drama club is putting together a virtual variety show, differing from their usual Spring musical. The show will consist of dance numbers, songs, and play re-enactments done by your classmates –some of which might even surprise you! The show will start streaming to the public later this school year. 

In the past, the club has performed many iconic musicals such as In the Heights, Annie, Into the Woods, and Cabaret. With 20 years of experience, Coach Bernice satisfies all audiences every year. Despite changes in circumstances, Coach will surely deliver this year as well! As he says, “The show must go on.”

Though this year’s show is online, the joy and thrill of performing for an audience remains the same. Drama Club is the perfect place to showcase your talents and skills while being surrounded by like-minded individuals. Past members have stated that Drama creates a unique experience for people who want to perform. As someone who was in Drama throughout all my years in high school, it is truly a fun place to showcase your talents and interests and make connections with those who you would usually just pass by in the halls. Grab a friend or two and contact Coach Bernice at The Drama Club usually meets virtually on Wednesdays and Thursdays after school, with some in person practices sprinkled throughout.

Coach Bernice and the rest of the Drama Club are excited to see you there!