Mystery Teacher!
- She was born on July 21 in Old Tappan, New Jersey.
- She likes to watch movies, read, and go on long drives on her free time.
- She also enjoys teaching…not a shock there.
- She’s a certified dog whisperer.
- Her nana is her role model.
- Her favorite celebrity is Misha Collins from Supernatural because he’s a renaissance man.
- If she had a superpower, it would definitely be teleportation.
- Her favorite type of music is Indie.
- She would travel to Australia and scuba dive in the Great Barrier Reef if she had the chance.
- If she couldn’t teach, she’d become a travel journalist or a food critic.
*Okay, readers! The reveal you’ve all been waiting for…last issue’s “Mystery Teacher” was none other than… Mr. Tutle!
*ALSO! The “Mystery Student” was the jovial Jack Danho!
About the Contributor

Allie Vazquez, Editor
Q: What are some of your favorite hobbies?
A: Acting, singing, playing musical instruments
Q: On a typical day, what do you do after school?