Basketball Weekly Update
The Boys and Girls basketball teams are well into their 2014-2015 season. The girls team sits at 5-1, while the boys are 3-3. Both squads played Elmwood Park on Tuesday, and Glen Rock on Thursday.
The boys started their week off with a crazy win over Elmwood Park. The game was a shootout to the last second with each side scoring 29 combined points in the 4th quarter. Melvin Florian hit a pair of 3’s in the final minute and the defense stepped up to make a stand. The final score was 53-51. Unfortunately, the boys lost their next game to Glen Rock to bring them to .500.
The girls were off to a great start with a 4-0 record heading into the week and already winning the Holiday Tournament over the break. They won again on Tuesday against EP (45-24) to bring them to 5-0, a very comfortable position to say the least. On Thursday the Rams lost to Glen Rock, but nonetheless, their record is still impressive at 5-1.
Both teams have shown that they can win the big match-ups and the close games. Only time will tell their decided future, but their potential has been displayed. These groups have the capability to rise to any challenge; we are in for an exciting season!
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Q: What three words best describe you?
A: Enthusiastic, obnoxious, and well-rounded.
Q: What do you like doing on your free time?