Future Business Leaders of America

Future Business Leaders of America also known as FBLA, has expanded throughout the years in LHS. Current Vice President, Joe Fotopoulos, acquires all the characteristics needed for his position, which are leadership, work ethic, communication, and enthusiasm. Joe commented, “I believe that this year’s FBLA is one of the largest and that is due to the fact that various members reached out to their friends which engendered them to join the club.” FBLA has sold cookie dough earlier this school year that has served as a fundraiser. All cookie dough will be distributed on December 18. Although they have only had one fundraiser so far, they are thrilled to help raise money later on for St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital. Upcoming events for this club include:
- Tests that their members can compete in to prove their business knowledge and skills
- A career fair where actual doctors, lawyers, businessmen, etc. come in and talk to members about their jobs
- A possible second business- related field trip
Adviser – Mrs. Hipkins
President – Karla Clavelo
Vice President – Joe Fotopoulos
Treasurer – Devan Solanki
Secretary – Subraiz Ahmed

Q: What are your favorite hobbies?
A: Dancing, of course & tennis!
Q: Will you pursue dancing after high school?
A: Yes, I would like to...