Pinning the Success of the Wrestling Team
With wrestling season almost underway in Lodi High School, I wanted to talk to a few people on the team to get a perspective on the upcoming season. The first being English teacher, Mr. Morali, who most recently became an assistant coach. Check out the video above to see what he had to say.
Mr. Morali looks to bring a lot to the team along with coach Mark Maggio who I also got a chance to speak with. When asked about his goals this season, Maggio responded with, “We’d like to 3-peat in the Garfield Holiday Tournament, as well as 3-peating in the NJIC this year. We also want to advance individually past Regionals, and onto states in Atlantic City (March).”
With the goals set, I wanted to get an insight into senior Dominick Salvatore’s thoughts going into this season. “I feel better than ever. It’s my last year of high school wrestling so I have to leave everything on the mat.” Salvatore was also asked what his favorite memory was from his previous 3 years of wrestling. “Without a doubt winning those two league titles my sophomore and junior years with my teammates. I’ll remember that for the rest of my life.”
In an interview with freshman, Daniel Scarcella, he noticed some differences between high school and recreational wrestling. “In “rec”, it depends on your individual performance, where as in high school it’s more of a team sport because the people around you shape the team. I like that aspect better.”
Getting a wide variety of the players’ thoughts going into this season shows that Lodi is primed for hard work and success this year.

Q: What three words best describe you?
A: Enthusiastic, obnoxious, and well-rounded.
Q: What do you like doing on your free time?