Mystery Teacher!
- He originally went to college to become an English teacher because he loves to write.
- If he couldn’t teach, he would be a sports agent.
- In high school, he was known as “reckless-abandon” or “ram daddy.”
- No one knows this, but he enjoys chick flicks such as Dirty Dancing or The Vow.
- He enjoys biking and cooking as a hobby.
- If he was an animal, he’d be a koala just hanging on trees and throwing stuff at people.
- If he could, he would go back to sophomore year and spend more time with loved ones.
- His motto is, “Work smarter, not harder.”
*Okay, readers! The reveal you’ve all been waiting for…last issue’s “Mystery Teacher” was none other than… Mrs. Earle!
About the Contributor

Allie Vazquez, Editor
Q: What are some of your favorite hobbies?
A: Acting, singing, playing musical instruments
Q: On a typical day, what do you do after school?