Ally Week 2014

Kathy Lopez

More stories from Kathy Lopez

Allie Vazquez

More stories from Allie Vazquez

Mystery Teacher!
May 25, 2015

Show your support for the LGBTQ Community by becoming an Ally!

Gay, lesbian, bisexual, and transgender people are at risk every day of their lives. They are the focus of political controversies resulting in a separation among states. Apart from being in the public eye, these people suffer constant abuse for simply trying to be who they were born to be, just like everyone else. They are ridiculed and often beaten, emotionally and physically, for their sexual preference and desire to be happy. In order to bring awareness to this very serious issue, an organization called GLSEN(The Gay, Lesbian and Straight Education Network) decided to dedicate a week to LGBT youths. In 2005, members of GLSEN’s Jump-Start National Student Leadership Team came up with an idea to celebrate Allies commitment to ensuring safe and effective schools for all and to encourage students to take action against bullying. The idea turned into the first Ally Week celebrated in schools nationwide in October 2005. By taking a pledge, allies, youths or adults, are able to stand up against bullying and harassment occurring in schools nationwide.

This year Lodi joined the cause to show our support of the LGBQT community! Name tags were give out during lunches and worn throughout the day and even week to openly show peer and faculty support. We are all human beings and should be treated as so! To the LGBQT family at Lodi and all over – You are not alone! We love and support you!