R-E-S-P-E-C-T! Find out What it Means to Us!
Have you noticed anything different about Lodi High School this week? If so, it is all due to the Respect Crew. The members of this club are responsible for decoration of inspiring quotes displayed on school grounds, the hearts filled out in English classes, and the positive music playing each morning. These acts were all in honor of celebrating The Week of Respect, which was from October 6 until the 10th. The advisers for this club are Ms. Sciarra, Mrs. Passano, and Mrs. Kelly. Mrs. Kelly explained that Ms. Sciarra recruited her for the club! The topics of anti-bullying and promotion of kindness are topics that Mrs. Kelly have always been passionate about. She says, “I like the message of it – ‘No one likes a bully.’” Mrs. Kelly loves being a part of Respect Crew because it helps her meet more students and see new faces. Mrs. Kelly also spoke to us about the events we should be looking forward to, such as Caring Cards filled out during lunches beginning the week of October 20, Links of Love beginning October 14, and Unity Day on October 22 when the students and faculty get to wear orange to show their unity! All campaigns are meant to spread kindness and respect throughout the building, not to make a profit; nothing is sold. Instead, they collect donations to send to various anti-bullying organizations! They are always looking for new members and new ideas to help promote their cause!

Q: Are you interested in any particular major?
A: Yes, I’m interested in journalism and/or communications
Q: Are there any colleges you’re thinking...