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When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

When We Know It, You'll Know It

The Lodi Rampage

Lara Kurdi

Lara Kurdi, Writer

Q: Out of all the animals in the world, which would you want to be?

A: A lion because they are so strong and pretty. 

Q: If you could eat one thing your whole life what would it be? 

A: This is weird but I really, really like oatmeal; like I could eat it for every single meal, every single day. 

Q: What is  your favorite thing about yourself?

A: I love how I get along with people. I’m just so open to getting to know people and  different personalities. I love people so much! 

Q: What is your zodiac sign? Do you believe in horoscopes?

A:  I am a Leo. I am not a strong believer in all of that but it’s nice to look at the posts and compare myself to what the idea of a Leo is.










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