New Year, New Resolutions

We did it! We actually did it. One of the most challenging years can be put away in the history books for good. For a long time, people were stuck at home and might have felt separated from their friends, family, or the rest of the world. After so many ups and downs, we are back and more ready than ever before to be ourselves. So what New Year’s Resolution do you have in mind? Is it to be with your loved ones? To do things that make you happy? Whatever it is, know that it is doable. It may not be a piece of cake, but it will be worth your time and effort. New Year’s is an amazing time to think how you want to be, where you want to go, and who you want to become. This will set you on the right course for many years to come. Check out the video to learn how students and faculty plan on pushing themselves to be better through their New Year’s resolutions!

Q: What color could you wear for the rest of your life?
A: Red. It's a bright and fun color. It's also symbolic of important values like love.