Advice from a Ram: College Edition
Every year seems to go by faster than the previous and many students find themselves behind on their goals. There is no way to be fully ready for what life has in store for you but the most important thing is that you seek help when it is needed. In this video, Mr. Lewis and Mr. Tarleton answer student questions who were in need of some advice. They touch on tips for college and scholarships while also sharing some of their own life experiences. The Lodi Rampage hopes you enjoy this video and please don’t be afraid to ask questions if you need any advice! See a Rampage staff member to submit your questions.

Q: What is something in your daily routine that you can’t ever skip?
A: Listening to music. I wake up and listen to music in the shower, while doing...

Q: If you had to pick a place to sit in the classroom, where would you pick?
A: For comfort, I would love to sit in the back corner of the room, but,...

Q: What is something you are looking forward to this year?
A: To just have a good senior year and end my high school experience on a good note.