There is No Planet B

In honor of Earth Day being celebrated in the month of April, it seemed fitting to have the science teachers of LHS give us their helpful information and tips on how we can help to protect the Earth. It is no secret that we, as humans, impact the physical environment in many ways, via overpopulation, pollution, burning fossil fuels, and deforestation. Changes like these have triggered climate change, soil erosion, poor air quality, undrinkable water, and more. With that being said, there are so many changes we can make to help protect the planet now and try to prevent further damage. Here is some important advice from our biology teacher, Mrs. Press on how to help the Earth:
“Take the time to look around at the beauty that surrounds us. Our environment is filled with many biotic and abiotic factors that make an impact on all creatures, great and small. It is our job to protect the resources. We should not just take and take from the environment. It is important to have appreciation for all that the Earth has to give. Please take note of your actions and see if it is impacting our environment in a negative way. Once we destroy nature, it is hard to replenish it. So take the time to recycle in the proper place, and stop using plastics which clog up our waterways and harm innocent sea life. Help to plant trees which soak up the carbon dioxide which is contributing to climate change. If everyone just made a few changes to their behavior, it would make a big difference to our environment for years to come.”
Most people have this idea that to change the world and make a difference we must do something huge; however, in reality, it is all of the little things that can really measure up. If we just became more mindful about small changes each day, like walking somewhere rather than taking the car or eating less meat a few times a week, we can easily make the world a cleaner and healthier place. For more helpful tips, check out the video featuring some of the LHS science teachers!

Q: What expectations/goals do you have for this school year?
A: I expect to do a lot of the fun things you get to do in senior year, and my goals are...

Q: What do you want to do when you graduate?
A: When I graduate, I’m hoping that I can start working towards being a doctor.
Q: Would you rather...