College Advice from Seniors
As the class of ’21 slowly transitions into their senior year, college begins to approach rapidly. Many can become overwhelmed, a common feeling to have entering senior year. You start to wonder where to begin, how to apply for financial aid, and if any of it will pay off in the end. Before the seniors graduate, The Lodi Rampage wanted to ask them a couple of questions in regards to the matter. From scholarship applications to FAFSA, the seniors featured will convey the basics necessary to comprehending the college process.
Seniors Featured in Video (in order of appearance):
Rosemary Gutierrez
Komal Kaur
Nidia Nuñez
Tanvir Ahmed
Sarah Green
Michelle Guerra

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you talk about?
A: I would love to speak to Marilyn Monroe....