Cure the Boredom
Here at The Lodi Rampage, the Rowdy Rams understand what everybody is going through in quarantine. In this video we show you what we’ve been up to and we hope it can help give you new ideas on how to spend your day! We have Kylie Bernardo presenting some workouts that a person can do on a nice sunny day. Brielle Roberts watches netflix, plays board games, and demonstrates a good skin routine. Chris Diaz plays video games, while Bryan Catala does TikToks around his house. I hope we were able to help you guys in your time of boredom. Remember to stay safe and inside!

Q: What’s your senior year goal? What do you hope to accomplish?
A: My senior year goal is to get Principle List and to buy a dozen cookies from the...

Q: If you found a 10 million dollar lottery ticket, what would you do with it?
A: I would go to Dubai. I would invite two friends and I would post about...