An Honor to Perform: Honors Recital
On Feb. 27, the Honors Band students presented their talents on the grand stage of LHS. The night, arranged by choir director, Mr. McCann, and band director, Samuel Porter, was filled to the brim with outstanding talents across the board. The night began with an extraordinary piano piece delivered by Sage Hudak, who eventually turned the stage over to Andrew Girgis on percussion. Later on in the event, instruments such as the French horn were showcased by fellow band student, Isaiah Betty, and a sax performance ensued with multiple pupils at once. Wade Buchanan delivered a show stopping number with the drums, and the Honors Choir students made an appearance for a soothing vocal piece. When the festivities of the night concluded, refreshments and sweets were lined up in the cafeteria for participants and attendees to enjoy. The night was very successful and left a lasting impression on every audience member.

Q: If you could have dinner with one person, dead or alive, who would it be and what would you talk about?
A: I would love to speak to Marilyn Monroe....