“Ohana Means Family”
It’s that time of the year again! Full of love, warmth, and a nice hot plate of food, Thanksgiving is arguably one of the best times of the year! One of the core values behind Thanksgiving is the idea of being grateful to those who help us throughout our daily lives. Those people who helped you take those first steps into the real world are your family.
For many of us, these people who choose to stick by us through thick and thin are our family! According to the Merriam-Webster dictionary, a family is defined by a group of children living together in a household. However, this definition might not be entirely accurate. Yes, we’ve all heard the term “blood is thicker than water,” however, not everyone has a traditional family.
When Lodi High School student, Rosemary Gutierrez, was asked to define what family means to her, she explained, “Family means that no one gets left behind and they always want the best from you”. To her (and many more), family is defined by those who stick by you and provide unconditional love whether they be blood-related or not. Family is created by the bonds formed through trust and communication.
Everyone has their role to play within their family. For some, they are the providers, lovers, or supporters. Lodi High School student, Alyssa Pagan explained, “My role is to care for my grandparents and occasionally babysit.” Her role is to be available to care for the people she loves.
A family is made up of mutual support and love. In some cases, it involves sacrifices and the willingness to do anything for the ones you love. Feeling like you are a part of something is so important. Family brings together a sense of love, community, and belonging. Arguably, family can be taken for granted. Remember the importance of being grateful for the people that always have your back!

Q: What is your dream job?
A: My dream job would be to be a social worker, to work with kids with special needs, and to spread awareness and to make...