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Dune Part 1 & 2 Double Review


Dune Part: 1 

Based on the iconic 1965 novel by Frank Hurbert, Dune tells the sci-fi epic of Paul Atriedies, a prince from a royal family who had just gained access to the planet Arrakis, which holds the galaxy’s most valuable resource, spice. But the previous rulers, house Harrkons, plan to take control of the planet themselves, leaving Paul to go forth and protect both his and the people of Arrakis, while also discovering more about the dark visions he’s been glimpsing and the powers he must learn to control.


Right off the bat, this is the first part of a two part story, meaning that the first part mostly consisted of introducing the audience to this new world and foreshadowing future events. But that didn’t mean that I didn’t enjoy this movie for the most part. The slow burn aspect of this film made it easier to digest all the foreign concepts in this sci-fi world without it feeling too bloated or overly explained. It gives us an opportunity to get accustomed to the characters and their relationships to each other and this new world, only to tear apart that status quo in a big way by the beginning of the third act. Because of that extra time spent, the inciting incident felt way more impactful than it would have if we were told everything about the world instead of seeing it for ourselves.

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Speaking of this world, it is absolutely gorgeous. The cinematography was on point when it came to bringing these planets alive, especially their use of color. Dull browns and grays of the desert planet of Arrakis inform us of the repressed and bleak nature of this planet, while the harsh blacks of house Harrkons show their bloodlust and authority in their attempt to conquer all. Color can be the real deciding factor about how a scene may play out, as the encroaching black shadows of the night may tell us that death is on the horizon, or the bright beauty of the sun can show us the triumph that our characters have accomplished.  


The actors were equally talented in their own regards, with the stand out being Timothee Chalamant as Paul Atriedies. He brings a level of relatability and charm to the young prince that makes it all the more interesting when his innocence gets challenged by the end of the movie.


While this movie may be hard for some to swallow with its expansive scope and slow burn pacing, give it a chance. You might just be surprised with the world that Dune has to offer.


Dune Part: 2


Picking up almost immediately after the end of the first part, Dune part 2 manages to blow all expectations out of the water for how to end this epic saga. Without giving any spoilers, the story proceeds to expand on what was established from the previous part, while also managing to take the characters in different directions that you wouldn’t expect. Moralities become hard to discern and actions become more and more complicated as a war for the titular sci-fi planet becomes bigger than ever.


Already, the pacing has been thoroughly improved from the previous film, since there is no need to be reintroduced to the world of dune. This means there is now more time for much bigger set pieces and more action scenes, which have never looked more gorgeous watching in a theater. The cinematography as well has been enhanced, managing to look even more beautiful than it already was. The way that it was able to convey the sheer scope of the giant sandworms compared to the characters left me speechless. Already with the fantastic costumes, set designs, and score by Hans Zimmer, this intergalactic battle for the throne pops out like no other.


Performance wise, everyone was at their A game for this installment, since we were able to explore their characters more than what we were previously given. Timothee Chalamet gave a way more convincing struggle to be the chosen savor to the fremen, while also trying to repress dark intentions, perfectly bouncing off of Zendaya’s Chani who is trying to support Paul while trying not to fall into fanatical devotion. Rebecca Fergenson as Lady Jessica plays a twisted parental figure manipulating her way to power, while Stellen Skarsgard wonderfully plays a demented monster of a villain that will leave you waiting for him to get what’s coming. Overall, these characters have never been so much more compelling and so interesting to watch, all thanks to the previous movie’s set up.


Dune part 2 was a good time and a true testament to adapting a beloved property and actually doing justice to it. So much love and passion can be felt from everyone working together in these films, and it is an attitude that I hope studios will learn when adapting properties. Strap in and take a trip to Arrakis, because Dune is one movie series that will leave you in the dust.

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