Unorganized Reviews: Blackjack Mulligan’s Food Review

This food review would have been properly done HAD MY SISTER DECIDED TO NOT ORDER IT ONLINE. I couldn’t even get a feeling of the atmosphere of the establishment. I was just sitting there on the synthetic concrete plastic bench on a warm cloudy Sunday until I got a notification on my phone that she ordered Blackjack Mulligan’s for lunch. I was even thinking of walking there later, but no.

Anyways, what do I have to say about their fish and chips? It’s not as bad as I thought. The tartar sauce was nice and moisturizing (for lack of a better term) and the coleslaw had an optimal consistency. The fries were crispy on the surface and soft inside. The fish had a crunch to it and was fully cooked. One complaint though is the price. $18.00, really? I’ve seen higher, but seriously? Well, at least I like Ireland, unlike their neighbor who was hellbent on taking a world tour only to use absolutely zero of any spices they found along the way. The tea stayed at least, but not the spices.

Overall rating: 9/10, if they seasoned the fish with garlic or onion powder, chives even which feels more suitable, I believe that would have pushed it to a 10/10.