Senior Linkage 2021
June 17, 2021
Enes Abazi’s favorite fast food chain is Wendy’s just like Andrew Fisher who is an Aries just like Kaila Fraizer who works at AMC just like Asdri Brugal whose favorite chips are Hot Cheetos just like Angel Roca who has no pets just like Lissette Villacres who wants to travel to Greece just like Fred Hernandez whose favorite movie is American Pie just like Christine Cuzco whose favorite sneaker brand is Converse just like Andrew Girgis whose favorite science teacher is Ms. Saifan just like Jahaira Pereria who favorite candy is KitKats just like Mariella Eguez who prefers the beach over the boardwalk just like Kaitlyn Stobnicki who is an extrovert just like Chrishen Tissera who prefers in person learning just like Kashmala Arif whose favorite music genre is R&B just like Aiyana Nelson who is afraid of heights just like Aaron Moravick whose favorite LHS teacher is Mr. Romeo just like Christian Delgado who thinks the glass is half full just like Jake DeBarros who is an introvert just like Joanna Lobo whose favorite season is winter just like Anthony DeRico who wants to travel to Japan just like Nicole Garcia whose favorite sneaker brand is Vans just like Lara Kurdi whose all-time favorite movie is Coraline just like Nicolas Marin whose favorite candy is Skittles just like Steven Jhaman who doesn’t have a job just like Jemariz Zamora who thinks the glass is half full just like Crismeiry Caraballo whose favorite LHS teacher is Ms. Zuniga just like Aditi Rana who prefers Instagram over Snapchat just like Thomas Vartolone whose all-time favorite movie is Forrest Gump just like Jhovanny Marte whose first job was at Chipotle just like Joshua Isabel who like BBQ chips just like Allison Rodriguez whose favorite science teacher is Mr. Skibitski just like Jarouby Lema who prefers KFC over Popeyes just like Samuel Rivera whose favorite school subject is History just like Angelina Altamar who prefers drama shows over reality shows just like Jeffrey Fonseca who’s going to William Paterson University just like Michelle Chinchilla who has a Yorkie just like Leonardo Luna whose favorite LHS teacher is Mrs. Kushkuley just like Jean Paul Gaviria whose favorite music genre is Reggeaton just like Delia Anton who is a Capricorn just like Mia Javier whose favorite school subject is Lunch just like Kevin Delgado who prefers the beach over the boardwalk just like Jasmin Calljeas who’s going to Montclair State University just like Natalia Quinones who is an introvert just like Marianella Martinez who prefers Snapchat over Instagram just like Natasha Nassali whose favorite sport is baseball just like Christopher Capolete whose favorite fast food chain is Taco Bell just like Joseph Velardi whose favorite season is Summer just like Javier Garcia whose all-time favorite movie is Space Jam just like Jason Cruz whose favorite 2021 song is “Rapstar” by Polo G just like Julia Wyman who is an Aquarius just like Carmella Van Houten who would rather travel to the past just like Alex Peralta whose favorite science teacher is Mrs. Fasulo just like Kirsten Sotto whose favorite fast food chain is Chick-fil-a just like Serena Oliveria who would want the power to be invisible just like Maria Piraquive whose favorite LHS teacher is Ms. Sargenti just like Faith Bartlett whose favorite sport is football just like Angel Utera whose favorite candy is AirHeads just like Angela Valle who doesn’t have a favorite sneaker brand just like Israel Raia who is an extrovert just like Shally DeLaCruz who is a Sagittarius just like Allaina Padolina whose favorite school subject is Art just like Marina Duarte whose all-time favorite movie is Grease just like Mariana Guzman Corrales who would want the power to fly just like Loucious Cruz whose favorite music genre is pop just like Princes Nicado who prefers Instagram over Snapchat just like Felisa Montenegro who would rather travel to the future just like David Refingo whose worst fear is drowning just like Noe Duran who has a cat just like Amelia Vega whose favorite LHS teacher is Mr. Tuttle just like Daniel Muzai whose favorite sneaker brand is Adidas just like Brooke Scarcella who is an extrovert just like David Laskowski whose favorite fast food chain is Chipotle just like Steven Alvarado who prefers drama over reality shows just like Luisa Asprilla who wants to travel to Dubai just like Dylan Valencia whose biggest fear are sharks just like Rina Gashi whose favorite 2021 song is “Peaches” by Justin Bieber just like Karyna Anderson whose favorite sport is cheerleading just like Lexa Benoit whose favorite season is Spring just like Emilia Jimeno who would want the power to teleport just like Navpreet Signh whose favorite sport is badminton just like Betty Kravatsky whose favorite sneaker brand is Nike just like Angie Mejia-Torres who wants to travel to Italy just like Alyssa Spatuzza who is an extrovert just like Aleks Trushi whose favorite school subject is Gym just like Christopher Sterling who doesn’t have a favorite TikTok trend just like Daniel Saez who prefers Instagram over Snapchat just like Jayson Urena whose favorite music genre is rap just like Randy Colon Felix whose favorite fast food chain is McDonald’s just like Brisa Velazquez who prefers the beach over the boardwalk just like Tate Rodriguez whose favorite sport is soccer just like Sukhwinder Singh whose favorite science teacher is Mrs. Saifan just like Yanessa Montalvo who prefers in person learning just like Paula Tellez-Arevalo whose favorite chips are Doritos just like Anthony Leto who’s a Scorpio just like Jonathan Vazquez who doesn’t have a favorite 2021 song just like Marleen Garcia whose favorite fast food chain is McDonald’s just like Carolina Torres whose favorite science teacher is Mrs. Hansen just like Yasmin Adan who does not have a pet just like Isabel Restrepo whose favorite LHS teacher is Ms. Sciarra just like Chailynn Polanco whose favorite music genre is rap just like Anthony Duenas who prefers drama over reality shows just like Ryan Snuffer whose favorite fast food chain is Wendy’s just like Ayden Lyubimov whose biggest fear is death just like Makhi Rodney whose favorite candy is Swedish Fish just like Samir Munenaka whose favorite LHS teacher is Mr. Lewis just like Genesis Tejada whose favorite sneaker brand is Nike just like Jose Rivera whose favorite music genre is jazz just like Cristian Tenezaca who would travel to Japan just like Jalal Alsurakhi who is a Virgo just like Isabel Saldana who is not going to college just like Maritza Almonte whose favorite TikTok trend is the silhouette challenge just like Aaliyah Shoulders whose an introvert just like Yuvan Rengifo whose favorite fast food chain is Chiptole just like Matthew Caballero who does not have a favorite science teacher just like Cheyenne Ali who does not have a pet just like Robert Klawans who would rather see into the future just like Jahmir Jennings whose first job was at Wendy’s just like Alan Espinosa who’s an Aquarius just like Yenndi Sarante whose favorite shoe brand are Vans just like Taylor Hoshafi who’s an introvert just like Katty Duarte who prefers Instagram over Snapchat just like Gigi Paparozzi who is going to Bergen Community College just like Ronnie Abromowicz who would have flying as a superpower just like Denim Whitfield whose favorite chips are Doritos just like Anthony Asencio who prefers reality shows just like Samuel Alerte II whose favorite school subject is Gym just like Julio Aliaga whose favorite sneaker brand is Nike just like Paul Leon who prefers the beach just like Yanai Ortega who is going to Montclair State University just like Vanessa Bedoya who sees the glass half full just like Eyan Arroyo who is a Pisces just like Lenyn Narvaez who does not have a pet just like Genesis Bazemore who is an introvert just like Aidan Leon whose biggest fear is the ocean just like Estref Kulla whose favorite sport is soccer just like Jonathan Cabezas whose favorite candy is Jolly Ranchers just like Jason Pereira whose favorite school subject is coding just like Ibrahim Aqarah whose favorite LHS teacher is Ms. Sciarra just like Haneen Abdelghani whose favorite season is Spring just like Emilia Jimeno who does not have a job just like Brandon Cortes who does not have a favorite song of 2021 just like Violet Savino who prefers in-school learning just like Genesis Munera who does not have a favorite music genre just like Julio Castro who prefers Snapchat just like Elisa Cintron whose favorite candy is Sour Patch just like Junei Laraque whose favorite music genre is rap just like Joshua Valladares who would rather travel to the past just like Randy Almanzar who does not have a favorite TikTok trend just like Jenniffer Nemri who wants the power to read minds just like Enes Abazi.