When We Know It, You'll Know It

Ready, Set, College Kick Off!

September 29, 2016

A majority of students look forward to graduating and beginning a new chapter in their lives; for many, that means college. Preparing for college can be very overwhelming since there are so many steps to follow and so many decisions to be made. In order to decide on and be accepted into the school that has all that your heart desires, Lodi High School came to the rescue, once again, and held their annual College Kick Off Week! Although these presentations are limited to only juniors and seniors, there’s no reason as to why underclassmen can’t look into these colleges either. After all, it’s best to begin the process sooner rather than later.

This week at LHS, we welcomed a variety of colleges from New Jersey and surrounding states, which allowed students to possibly narrow down or expand their options. There was a total of 37 colleges that visited LHS and they all had valuable information to share with their audiences. Brochures filled with information gave students insight into the majors, sports, clubs, and other fascinating activities that the various colleges offered. As the week comes to an end, it’s best to remember which colleges left the best mark on you so when it comes time for college applications, you’ll know exactly where to apply. Good luck to all future applicants and to those who are waiting for senior year, keep the college search going!

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