As a team, boys wrestling finished 11-11 this season. This record reflects the nail-biting wins but also the tough losses. No matter the record, the boys remained positive and continued to put in the hard work needed each and every practice and match. As the season heads into the finals, the sport starts to become more of an individual sport. In this year’s District tournament, Senior Captain, Steven Villa, and Junior Captain, Chris Caban, won the title of District 6 Champs by placing first in their weight class. Senior Captain, Mike Dios was also able to place third in the tournament. Villa and Caban then wrestled in the regional tournament on Feb. 26. Caban placed third in the tournament, qualifying him for the state tournament this weekend in Atlantic City. This is the farthest Coach Maggio has seen a wrestler go thus far in his coaching career. Although the season has ended for most of the team, Caban’s accomplishments keep the season going just a little longer. Good luck this weekend Chris!