On the evening of May 14, the LHS auditorium echoed with music. From the Lodi Public Schools Elementary Band directed by Mr. Louis Ricco, to the Lodi High School Concert Band with the direction of Doctor Macri, the tunes of 7 months of practice were finally displayed. Dr. Macri started off the night by saying to all the parents, “In one evening you get a snapshot of their whole life.” The families and friends of the dedicated performers could see their development from the first time they picked up the instrument to performing in a wider range. Twelve years of musical education and growth in one night, that’s what this performance sought to display and ultimately achieved.
The Lodi High School jazz Band performed between each group change. The elementary school band played tunes such as Starlight and Let’s Take a Break, and the middle school band played Camelot and Meet the Beatles! among others. Musical entertainment was abundant all night, with a humorous skit to finish it all by no other than our beloved Mr. Tarleton and Mr. Noordeloos. The montage converted the LHS band into a “sports” team, with Dr. Macri as the “coach,” Andrew Shahine as the “captain,” and the musicians as “players” with their own team numbers. What would be a real sports match without a referee or an announcer? Here’s where Mr. Noordeloos and Mr. Tarleton came into the picture; they became the referee and announcer with the help of Mr. Kohrherr. The game consisted of the band playing Beethoven’s 5th symphony, and if they played a wrong note, they would get an infraction, which would send the responsible player to a penalty box. However, at the end of the performance, the referee deemed it good, and the band “won” the match.
It wouldn’t be a traditional Spring Concert Band without closing with America the Beautiful, which Mr. Kohrherr had the honor of directing this year. Overall, the evening was upbeat and kept the audience curious at every turn.