When a kid needs his license to take a girl to the school’s Spring Fling, he’s willing to do anything to get what he wants. His friend informs him that finding a key song should help him pass his road test. Through trial and error the boy finds out what failure and success feels like over the span of a couple days.
Written/Edited/Directed by Anthony Scalia (LHS Alumni)
Produced by Russell Cammaroto
Director of Photography: Urmil Dalal (LHS student)
Assistant Director: Al Morali (LHS teacher)
Patrick: Bartek Szymanski
Girl: Carly Nelson
Patrick’s friend (David): Zaki Sky
Driving Instructor: Al Morali
Boy’s Father: Jimmy Scalia Sr. (LHS Alumni)
LHS Extras (all LHS students except James Pantano)
Osama Al Sasarjalani
Tyler Anand
Lucia Baez
Dhielan Bustos
Robert Clark
Kelsie Hannavi
Shirley Lizardo
Vanessa Montalvo
James Pantano
Wilneris Santana
Jimmy Scalia Jr.
Jason Thomas
Allie Vazquez
The film also couldn’t of been made without the generous support from:
Suril Dalal (Lodi Alumni)
Principal Frank D’Amico
Gina Getrajdman (LHS Teacher)
Alex Marin (LHS Alumni)
Superintendent Frank Quatrone