Are you struggling to figure out how to ask out your crush for Valentine’s day? Are you in need of ideas for gifts?

Tips for Asking Out Your Valentine:
Be Confident: Smile and ask directly.
Ex: Would you like to be my Valentine?
2) Mention something you like about them.
Ex: I really like talking to you and thought it’d be fun to spend Valentine’s Day together.
3) Be funny: Use humor or creativity to break the ice.
4) Don’t be Awkward: Keep the conversation going and don’t make yourself the center of attention.
Gift ideas for your Valentine:
Flowers – Never get yellow flowers cause Ms. Cooper said it represents friendship
Stuffed Animals
Pictures – A collage of pictures with you and your valentine.
Letters – Write a heartfelt letter of how appreciative/grateful you are for your valentine.
(All of these gifts can be used to create a gift basket)
Be confident, genuine, and thoughtful when asking someone to be your Valentine. Keep it light and personal to make it special!