On the fun-filled night of Nov. 3, LHS hosted its annual Coffee House where nearly twenty performers showcased their creativity and talent. The Coffee House was a three hour event filled with music, comedy and fun. There were drums, singers, pianos, jokes, and even trumpets. And, who could forget the snacks? Mr.Bernice (better known as “Coach”) and Anthony Vasquez co-hosted this very first Coffee House of the school year. If you didn’t get to attend, you are in luck! Giancarlo Messina and Sneha Sahadevan, captured the best and brightest moments of the night. Don’t be upset if you weren’t able to come to his event because the next one will be held on Feb. 11. Be there or be square!
The Lodi Rampage interviewed Mr.Porter (one of the brains behind this masterpiece) about the event and this is what he had to say:
Q: What do you like about the Coffee House? What makes it special?
A: I think what makes the Coffee House worth it is giving the students in the school, not just those in band or choir, an outlet to express themselves through some kind of art. Most of the time it is singing but we’ve had poetry before, people do comedy skits and it allows students to really express themselves artistically. Even if they’re not engagedlike we are in Band, I like that aspect of the Coffee House –giving people that outlet.
Q: Where does the money raised go to? Do you use it to buy your outfits and meals?
A: We use the funds that we gain through fundraisers like the Coffee House to help give back to the students within the Band program. So it helps us buy equipment if needed in an emergency situation. It helps us make sure we can fund certain activities that we do for the band. It also helps pay for scholarships. I give scholarships every year to seniors, especially seniors that are going into music. I give scholarships for my Marching Band leaders to go to a leadership camp. We also sometimes fundraise for trips or anything like that. Money always goes back into the program in some way.
Q: How long has LHS hosted a Coffee House?
A: You know that’s a good question. I don’t think it was even called the Coffee House when I did it. So I am a graduate of Lodi High School and I would say probably in my junior or senior year Dr.Macri, the band director before me, started some king of like open mic night. That is what the Coffee House is today. So if she’s been doing it ever since and then I took over I would say probably around ten years, give or take. It’s been sometime.
Q: What is one of the most memorable Coffee Houses?
A: Well, here’s the thing. For me, this is my third year teaching. I’ve only done three Coffee Houses if you count up all the ones that I’ve personally done as a teacher in the room. Out of the three, I don’t think there are any I can pinpoint as particularly memorable. But I will say, I love when not just the students perform, but also when there are teachers that would also like to express themselves. Like when Mr. Tarleton does anything with Mr. Noordeloos, it’s going be a hit. When Mr. Skibitski’s bringing out his guitar, you know he’s going to rock all the way through the cafeteria. Those are the moments that I enjoy. Those are the moments that kind of stand out to me. It’s not just as you are growing up but remembering that art is for all people at all times. Those are the moments that I think are the most memorable when I think back to the Coffee House. It’s seeing that kind of passion, even in your teachers, that’s what I enjoy.