There is no clock to tell you when it is time to focus on your mental health. Everyday stresses can be overwhelming if you don’t prioritize yourself and mental well being. Just as stress and anxiety can be overwhelming, TikTok has consumed many parts of our lives, but I never would have guessed that a 13 year old pug would determine what kind of day I will have. Tik-Toker, @jongraz, has committed his mornings to see if his pug- Noodle- has bones. The concept is simple- Jonathan picks up Noodle and if he stands, it’s a bones day; if Noodle falls over, it’s not a bones day. On the bone days, LHS staff and students told The Lodi Rampage what are some productive tasks they are going to check off their to-do lists. However, on the no bone days they shared some of their favorite self care tips to get them through a bad day.