Keeping your energy high during studying is extremely important for retaining information and concentration. Foods high in protein and simple sugars will help not only with keeping your concentration and retention, but also with satisfying your hunger. There are a variety of foods that help with different aspects of your brain, but here is just a few:
Berries. They contain high levels of flavonoid, which can help increase mental performance. Some examples of berries include: blueberries, grapes, and even bananas!
Citrus Fruits. Citrus fruits such as lemons, pomelos, oranges, etc. can help overall brain function when studying.
Dark Chocolate. Dark Chocolate flavonoid compounds help increase blood flow to the brain. It can also help with reaction time and improve memory.
Nuts. They tend to be dense in nutrition. Vitamin e and Zinc are found in light levels which helps improve overall mental ability.
Eggs. They contain high levels of B12, choline, and selenium which boosts brain health.
Fish. Fish can have an abundance of positive effects. For one, it improves memory and procrastinates mental decline. Additionally, it helps build overall brain health.
Adequate sleep habits are also crucial to having a successful testing day. Some simple habits and tips can completely transform your success on the upcoming exams. Some important information to remember includes:
Avoid studying in your bed. Although it may seem the most convenient or comfortable, studying where you sleep can actually be detrimental. Your brain will make a mental association with your studies and sleep, causing you to be sleepy while studying. This causes clear impediments to concentration, reaction time, and memory. Studying in your bed can also cause issues falling asleep since your brain associates your bed with work.
Limit naps. By taking frequent naps you release sleep pressure- which, in simplest terms, is how tired you are. By taking naps you become less tired, which then makes it more difficult to fall asleep at night. Limiting naps helps make sure you get a full night’s rest before the big day.
Maintain a consistent sleep schedule
Electronics. Staying off your phone, computer, or any other electronic devices 30 minutes to bed can be a major game changer. The blue light that radiates off the devices can trick your brain into thinking that it is daytime, making it harder for you to fall asleep at night.
Music can be a major influence on multiple aspects of life, and school is no different. Music has specific benefits tailored to your studying needs. It can relax the brain, improve concentration and focus, and helps you remain calm and improve performance in high-pressure situations. Here are some of the most recommended types of music for studying:
Classical music. Classical musicians like Bach, Vivaldi, and Handel have created pieces with specific aspects that help studying. For example, many of their pieces are set at a tempo of 60 bpm which has been proven to dramatically decrease stress. Some other benefits include gradually increasing IQ scores, improving test scores, and reducing learning time.
Sounds of Nature. Nature sounds like the ocean, rain, birds, etc. can increase concentration on a given task. It also drowns out distracting background noise and can enhance cognitive functions.
Video Game Soundtracks.

The Perfect Playlist. A 40-50 minute playlist is considered the ideal playlist length. The time allows you to take a break to re-calibrate your concentration. Luckily, the Lodi Rampage has created the perfect playlist for your studying needs.
Studying for upcoming exams can be stressful but with the tips and tricks mentioned the task is more than manageable. The Lodi Rampage is here to make the journey less daunting. Good Luck!