The awaited tradition conducted by the LHS Jazz Band, Choir, Madrical Choir, and Marching Band took place on Tuesday Dec. 9 as an opener for the holiday season. The show started with the Concert Band – directed by junior Andrew Shahine – playing some holiday tunes including “Winter on Emerald Bay”, “Fanfare for Christmas”, selections from “Fiddler on the Roof”, and their fall season show closer, “Treasure” by Bruno Mars. Later, the Jazz Band, directed by Mrs. Macri, hit it off with “A Christmas Spirit”, then Concert Band accompanied Mr. Noordeloos in a reading of “The Night Before Christmas.” Sitting comfortably on a chair, wearing a robe and slippers, Mr. Noordeloos presented perfect diction as he read the aptly chosen poem. The Jazz Band finished off and the Madrical Choir walked out to begin the annual Christmas carols – directed by Dr. Arella – which this year featured a special selection from the big blockbuster film “Frozen.” The show also included Lodi known classics such as “Rio Rio Chiu” with solos by Hannah Arp, Dhielan Bustos, Bryan Ponce, Vanessa Khoury, Juan Vargas and Raquel Dy, “Psallite,” and “Swingin’ at Santa’s Place”, and a magical solo performance by Emily D’Onofrio of “Blue Christmas.” The Madrical Choir was then joined by the Choir classes for the big finish of a breathtaking show with a medley of “Christmas on Broadway,” “Holy Night,” and “Thee With Tender Care I’ll Cherish” (in German). In case you missed it, here are some snips of the great performances.