The start of the holiday season can bring many feelings and responses, one of which is self-reflection and the thoughts of new beginnings. As the year comes to a close, it is never too early for anyone to think about what they’ve achieved and about the dreams they’d like to fulfill in the year to come. These goals are better known as New Year’s Resolutions: Achieving a personal goal over the course of the year to improve an individual’s lifestyle or fulfill a certain dream. Many goals that are created are, most times, abandoned and forgotten. Regardless, many people still choose to participate in establishing New Year’s Resolutions, even if they do not stay true to their word. Why is this?
Just about eight percent of people achieve their New Year’s Resolutions, while forty percent of people actually set them. A large amount of people end up failing just before February ends. Finding solace in creating rather life-changing goals seems to be apparent with those who set them. However, why is it that resolutions seem to fail easily? The underlying reason of why they seem to fail is because many people find themselves struggling to keep up with a new routine that the goal may provide. Is this due the fact that people set themselves up for failure with unrealistic goals? Or is it that the goals seem to be too broad and are usually typical, such as those related to exercise, eating healthier, and saving money?
The common mistakes found in making New Year’s Resolutions is that many appear to be too vague. They are usually very broad and general, and normally do not have a tangible goal. Setting a goal that you may not reach easily in the time that you desire, may lead to the future abandonment of said goal. This is not to say that setting broad New Year’s Resolutions always results in cast away goals. In many instances, if the goal is not achieved in a set time it is usually found to be put off and/or forgotten.
Setting goals may be more important than we think though. Goals may provide us with more focus and they can give us a sense of achievement. Goals play an important role in making decisions about your future and following a set plan that may benefit you. Goals set in New Year’s Resolutions are usually set to change a routine for the better. They also measure progress throughout the year; if a goal has been attended to, it can pay off and you may see a positive change in yourself that you may not have seen before. By setting New Year’s Resolutions and seeking to maintain them, you gain a sense of motivation to strive and do great things that will pay off positively for you in the long run.
There are many ways to maintain New Year’s Resolution, though. First: Start small and gradually increase the amount and intensity of the goals. Although it is important to dream big, it is also better to achieve things one step at a time and build to a massive achievement. Second: Make sure that your goals are not too broad and specify what is you want to achieve. If something is too general, you may find yourself swimming in a whole pile of cast away goals, which can decrease your motivation. Last: Believe in yourself and your purpose in achieving these goals. The one true motivator you have is you, and everything will always be worth it in the long run. Remember: New year, new you!
Be sure to check out the video above! In spirit of the New Year, we asked the students and staff of LHS to share their New Year’s Resolutions. Happy New Year!