Christmas magic is in the air and Lodi High School is filled with flair. Mrs. Hansen’s Christmas tree lights the room, while Mrs. Earle’s baking makes you drool. Ms. Getrajdman’s kindness fills the school with warmth and love! Wherever you turn, Lodi High School is filled with fun, music, laughter, and cheer. Through the month of December there were many ways students could be involved with the community. In order to bring out Holiday cheer, on Nov. 30, the Lodi Library hosted their annual tree lighting. Hot chocolate was served to keep everyone warm while the children waited to take pictures with Santa. The Marching Rams were, also, apart of the parade providing the sounds of Christmas, such as the Jingle Bell Jam! Following this, the Lodi High School choir and band held a Winter Concert on Dec. 4. This event brought LHS faculty, administration, the superintendent, the PTA, and parents and relatives all together to enjoy the beautiful vocals and instrumentals playing all of the classics. Since the holidays are about giving back, Key Club, National Honor Society, and Interact Club, donated blood, sold Santa Grams, and wrapped gifts, respectively. Not only is Lodi High School about giving back but we also spread joy; on Friday, Dec. 21 students were allowed to wear ugly holiday sweaters thanks to the Senior Student Council. Lodi High School is the definition of compassion, joy, and paying it forward to those less fortunate –and that is the true meaning of the holiday spirit!